The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

It seems like recently, plant-based diets have become the new “it” trend.

Plant-based meat has entered every segment of the consumer food space. Grocery stores, restaurants, full-service caterers and even meal prep companies now have plant-based products in their inventory.

But not everyone wants to give up animal products entirely!

For those of you who want to have a plant-based diet, but still enjoy some animal products, a Vegetarian diet may be for you.


What is the Vegetarian Diet?

Like you would expect, the Vegetarian diet consists of a meatless diet based around plant-based food options such as:

  • Vegetables

  • Fruits

  • Grains

  • Nuts

  • Legumes

  • Breads

  • Tofu and more

People choose to be a Vegetarian for a variety of reasons. While some believe it is a healthier lifestyle and can help prevent certain health issues, others tend to abstain from meat out of moral concerns.

And, some people simply choose not to consume animals due to their personal beliefs.

Types of Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is not a one-size-fits all practice, as there are several different types of the diet:

  • Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians don’t eat any form of meat, but are able to consume some animal products such as eggs and lactose products. 

  • Ovo-Vegetarians eat eggs, but do not consume lactose products.

  • Lacto-Vegetarians consume dairy products, but do not eat eggs.

  • Vegans tend to be the most restrictive form of Vegetarianism as they do not consume any meat-based products or animal products. They also don’t wear or use any consumer products made with or tested on animals.


Health Benefits of Vegetarianism

People have long since proclaimed plant-based diets as a strong basis for long-term health. While meat does not inherently have negative health effects, there is evidence that plant-based diets may lessen the occurrence of certain diseases.

In a study performed on Vegetarian diets compared to their omnivore counterparts, individuals were shown to have a 25% less chance of heart disease, and an 8% less chance of developing all forms of cancer across nearly 100 different studies.

Vegetarians also tend to manage their weight better and have better Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements and cholesterol readings.

Other studies have also shown that the Vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cataracts too.

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to diets, but several pieces of evidence suggest that Vegetarian diets may improve long-term health and weight loss.

Health Concerns of Vegetarianism

Although the Vegetarian diet can improve overall long-term health, some do have concerns about nutrient deficiencies. With no meat in one’s diet, individuals may be more likely to have deficiencies in protein, saturated fat, long-chain n-3 fatty acids, retinol, vitamin B(12) and Zinc. 

If you choose to be Vegetarian, then it’s important to make sure you address any potential nutritional deficiencies through supplementation or alternative food sources. Be sure to consult a nutrition coach to help you out!

Vegetarianism vs. Veganism

Sometimes people tend to confuse the terms Vegan and Vegetarian. Although both diets have similar tendencies, it’s important to note any differences between the two.

Vegetarians don’t consume meat, but sometimes do have certain animal products in their diet. Depending upon the type, certain Vegetarians are able to consume eggs and/or dairy as part of their regular diet.

Vegans on the other hand, don’t consume any animal products including eggs, dairy, or even other animal based products such as honey created naturally from bees.

Since Vegetarians are able to consume certain animal products, they may have less nutrient deficiencies compared to Vegans.

Other Types of Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism can come in several different forms. As we discussed, some Vegetarians are able to consume dairy—lacto-vegetarian or eggs—ovo-Vegetarian, but there’s other forms of the diet you may be unfamiliar with as well.

  • Flexitarianism refers to eating a mostly Vegetarian diet and allowing for the occasional inclusion of meat. While Flexitarians don’t focus primarily on protein sources from meat, they do occasionally consume animal meat. While there is no rigid requirements as to frequency, Flexitarians generally only eat meat occasionally while still following a mostly Vegetarian diet.

  • Pescatarian is another semi-Vegetarian diet that consists of eating fish as an animal protein source, while still abstaining from red meat and poultry.

As you can see, Vegetarianism can come in several different forms. While some forms are strict, others will occasionally eat meat in one form or another.

Vegetarian Meal Prep Services

Cooking and prepping meals can take up a substantial amount of time, especially for busy individuals.

After dealing with the stressors of family, work, and everything in between, the last thing on your mind is cooking up a fresh meal.

Making a list, going to the grocery store, cooking, and cleaning—what a hassle!

Sticking to a Vegetarian diet can compound the difficulties of preparing meals, as you have to be constantly aware of what fits into your diet.

The good news is there’s a meal prep service designed to help you stick to your Vegetarian diet. 

At TMC, we take away the stress and hassle of shopping, cooking, and cleaning by delivering meals directly to your doorstep.

Simply place your Vegetarian meal plan order every week (or sign-up for a Vegetarian meal plan subscription) by Friday night at midnight, and let us take care of the rest. We’ll deliver your freshly made meals to your doorstep on Sunday night, and you’ll be ready for the busy week ahead!

UPDATE: Your plant-based meal delivery a la carte orders can be in by Saturday at 2pm starting in 2020.

In addition to Vegetarian meal delivery in Irvine, we specialize in Keto meal prep, Paleo meal prep, and Vegan meal delivery too! We are also the go-to company for Low FODMAP meal delivery in California

Orange County meal prep delivery costs $15 and Los Angeles meal prep delivery is only $15 too. And, we also have a new flat rate shipping option to all of Southern California as well!

So, the choice is yours. You can order food from other meal prep companies that deliver cookie cutter, flavorless items, that make eating healthy feel like a chore. Or you can choose TMC and our ever-changing meal delivery menu, and make eating healthy fun again!

What are you waiting for? Try Taylor Made Cuisine meal delivery today!

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